Just to be clear, official confirmation doesn't come until Monday but we're hearing that Dollhouse IS going to be renewed for a second season of thirteen episodes. It's a complete shock for most of us -- because the ratings were so bad -- but I guess the potential (and possibly DVR numbers) helped it out. This is good, good news. I'd prefer a 22 episode season but another 13 episodes is better than nothing.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
News is breaking (not quite) about the possible renewal of the show. Apparently talks have begun and Whedon has gone in and proposed his second season. This could be a good thing... but it all seems pretty standard to me. Either way, we're sure to find out Monday.
Okay, here's how things shake out. On Friday, FOX asked Joss to come in and pitch a second season of Dollhouse. That's a very good sign. They wanted to know his plans.Source: Dollverse
Off the back of that, they're now negotiating towards a second season. Which is brilliant, actually.
If you want to make your voice heard about how much you want to see the show return, here's how:
CALL - Leave a voicemail on 310 369 3066 for Peter Rice, Chairmain of Entertainment @ FOX
EMAIL - askfox@fox.com
TWEET - Twitter @foxbroadcasting, point people towards this post
POST - Leave comments here. I'll forward it to FOX.
TVByTheNumbers.com say the show has a 1% chance of returning. You know what? They're wrong. Really: they are. Let's see if this thing happens.
The official decision gets announced on Monday -- although, obviously, the decision is made before then -- and we'll have it here and on Twitter as soon as it's known. We're covering the upfront presentation so news shall be gushing that day.
Okay, so I know I've been kinda AWOL the last couple of weeks. I've been heaps busy with life stuff (don't you have real life?) and getting things sorted out. I've still remained a massive fan of Dollhouse and am astounded how good the last few episodes have been. While the finale had its flaws here and there, overall, it was a genuinely good episode that answers (and raised) some questions.
So... what's this about a season two spec script? Well, after watching the season finale (and the looming decision by FOX to renew or not), I decided to get it over with and write my own Season Two Premier. It's a teleplay (58 pages) in PDF format (so you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader) and is intended to be a shooting script. It's a first draft, but I'm pretty happy with it so far... especially having started and completed it within two days. Anyway, here is the link and an episode summary of it:
2.01 "Faces"
An investigator from the Center is sent to evaluate the LA Dollhouse, after recent events, while Ballard finds a possible lead that may turn up Alpha. He must put his feelings about the Dollhouse (and Caroline) aside when he and Echo are teamed up to pose as FBI partners.
Just click the episode title to open or download the PDF. I'd really love any feedback anyone has to offer. This was the first time I've written these characters and it took me a while to come up with a plot that could follow on from the finale, without it turning into a generic "mission of the week." I also tried to give each character a time to shine... so, anyway! Comments are welcome, whether they're good or bad (but hopefully constructive at the same time).
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